Case Law Intellectual Property

European Court of Justice: Case C‑301/15 – Mark Soulier

  •  ….it must be considered that, when the author of a work decides, in the context of the implementation of legislation such as that at issue in the main proceedings, to put an end to the future exploitation of that work in a digital format, that right must be capable of being exercised without having to depend, in certain cases, on the concurrent will of persons other than those to whom that author had given prior authorisation to proceed with such a digital exploitation and, thus, on the agreement of the publisher holding only the rights of exploitation of that work in a printed format.

  • Article 2(a) and Article 3(1) of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society must be interpreted as precluding national legislation, such as that at issue in the main proceedings, that gives an approved collecting society the right to authorise the reproduction and communication to the public in digital form of ‘out-of-print’ books, namely, books published in France before 1 January 2001 which are no longer commercially distributed by a publisher and are not currently published in print or in digital form, while allowing the authors of those books, or their successors in title, to oppose or put an end to that practice, on the conditions that that legislation lays down.

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Intellectual Property Internet Journalism

Gli editori, il web e il copyright – Il Post

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Antitrust Case Law

USA Supreme Court: Apple loses case on its e-book selling tactics : SCOTUSblog

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Business Models Libri

February 2016 Author Earnings Report: Amazon’s Ebook, Print, and Audio Sales – Author Earnings

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Istruttoria Antitrust sulla concentrazione Mondadori–RCS Libri nel mercato editoriale

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Business Models Libri

Penguin Random House Unifies Library eBook Terms | The Digital Reader

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Business Models Internet Journalism

Journalism, media and technology predictions 2016 | Reuters Institute for the study of Journalism

Robo-journalists, an ongoing battle between publishers and adblockers, bendy smartphones and social media for the workplace; the Reuters Institute launches its new Digital News Project with a set of technology and industry predictions for the global media’s year ahead. – See more at:
Robo-journalists, an ongoing battle between publishers and adblockers, bendy smartphones and social media for the workplace; the Reuters Institute launches its new Digital News Project with a set of technology and industry predictions for the global media’s year ahead. – See more at:

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Business Models Intellectual Property

The Authors Guild and Society of Authors Ask Publishers for Higher eBook Royalties | The Digital Reader

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Business Models Libri

Per superare la crisi gli editori indipendenti vendono ebook a meno di 1 dollaro: ci stiamo tirando la zappa sui piedi, ma per ora funziona | Prima Comunicazione

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Business Models Intellectual Property Libri

Start-Up Personalizes Books for Children, With Robot as Co-Author – The New York Times

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