
Extra: La libertà religiosa delle società commerciali: Justices Rule in Favor of Hobby Lobby –

Posted from Diigo.

Extra Pick of the Week

Pick of the Week: Poetry: Who Needs It? –

“A century ago, poetry did not appear in little magazines devoted to it, but on the pages of newspapers and mass-circulation magazines. The big magazines and even the newspapers began declining about the time they stopped printing poetry. (I know, I know — I’ve put the cause before the horse.)”

Posted from Diigo.

Extra Internet

Imprese e nuove teconologie – Fondazione Bruno Visentini – Newsletter-n-9.pdf

Posted from Diigo.


Extra: Heartbleed Discovery: So Strange…

Apparently, the Heartbleed bug was discovered on the same day by two different teams.

Is it just a very strange coincidence?

Extra Pick of the Week

Pick of The Week: The Short Guide to Capital in the 21st Century – Vox

Posted from Diigo.

Extra Pick of the Week

Pick of The Week (on Bitcoin): Interview With David Andolfatto – Business Insider

Posted from Diigo.

Extra Uncategorized

“Potcoin” – Monete Digitali Settoriali?

Posted from Diigo.

Extra Uncategorized

Bitcoins tassati negli USA come acquisto di beni in proprietà


  • “How is virtual currency treated for federal tax purposes?

    For federal tax purposes, virtual currency is treated as property. General tax principles applicable to property transactions apply to transactions using virtual currency”

    “Must a taxpayer who receives virtual currency as payment for goods or services include in computing gross income the fair market value of the virtual currency?

     Yes. A taxpayer who receives virtual currency as payment for goods or services must, in computing gross income, include the fair market value of the virtual currency, measured in U.S. dollars, as of the date that the virtual currency was received.”


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Extra Pick of the Week

Pick of The Week: “The Rise of Anti-Capitalism” –

  • What makes the social commons more relevant today is that we are constructing an Internet of Things infrastructure that optimizes collaboration, universal access and inclusion, all of which are critical to the creation of social capital and the ushering in of a sharing economy.

    The Internet of Things is a game-changing platform that enables an emerging collaborative commons to flourish alongside the capitalist market.” (J.Rifkin)
    That reminds me of the Cooperative Commons Manifesto, which everyone sharing such ideas is  warmly invited to subscribe!

Posted from Diigo.

Extra Pick of the Week

Pick of the week: Kenneth Rogoff identifies several obstacles to keeping living standards on an upward trajectory. – Project Syndicate

Posted from Diigo.