Posted from Diigo.
Author: Alfonso Papa Malatesta
Corte Giustizia sui filmati nei siti dei quotidiani
“La Corte rileva… che la versione elettronica di un quotidiano, malgrado gli elementi audiovisivi in essa contenuti, non deve essere considerata come un servizio audiovisivo se tali elementi audiovisivi sono meramente incidentali e servono unicamente ad integrare l’offerta degli articoli di stampa scritta”
Posted from Diigo.
American Booksellers Association is alarmed by Amazon
“American Booksellers Association is alarmed by Amazon”
Posted from Diigo.
Fichiers en fiche – CNIL – Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés
SIS : Système d’information Schengen
Le Fichier SIS a pour objet de permettre aux pays de l’espace Schengen de mettre en place une politique commune de contrôle des entrées dans l’espace Schengen et ainsi faciliter la libre circulation de leurs ressortissants tout en préservant l’ordre et la sécurité publics.
- Terrorisme : qu’est-ce que la « fiche S » ?
Posted from Diigo.
“Google’s copying is fair use under 17 U.S.C. §107 and is therefore not infringing.
The Court of Appeals concludes that the defendant’s copying is transformative within the meaning of Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., 510 U.S. 569, 10 578-585 (1994), does not offer the public a meaningful substitute for matter protected by the plaintiffs’ copyrights, and satisfies § 107’s test for fair use.”
Court of Appeal ruling here.
Confirming the District Court decision that you can find here.
ECJ: Case C-362/14 Maximillian Schrems (USA safe harbour scheme)
ECJ: Case C-230/14 Weltimmo (Establishment and EU Data Protection Authorities)
“…Weltimmo, a company registered in Slovakia, runs a property dealing website concerning Hungarian properties. Within that context, it processes the personal data of the advertisers [.] the Court notes that the presence of only one representative can, in some circumstances, suffice to constitute an establishment if that representative acts with a sufficient degree of stability for the provision of the services concerned in the Member State in question [.] The Court states that each supervisory authority established by a Member State must ensure compliance, within the territory of that State, with the provisions adopted by all Member States pursuant to the directive. Consequently, each supervisory authority is to hear claims lodged by any person concerning the protection of his rights and freedoms in regard to the processing of personal data, even if the law applicable to that processing is the law of another Member State”
Posted from Diigo.
E-book sales aren’t falling: Amazon is winning, publishers are losing – Fortune
“Recent reports that e-books sales are falling don’t tell the whole story, and it’s not one that publishers should be cheering about”
Posted from Diigo.
Google, Twitter Work on Open Source ‘Instant Articles’ for Mobile | Re/code
“The plan, which is supposed to launch with a small group of publishers this fall, is an effort to make it easier for publishers to distribute their stuff on mobile devices. It is also a response to similar pushes from Facebook, Apple and Snapchat.”
Posted from Diigo.
European Publishers Play Lobbying Role Against Google – The New York Times
“The argument is simple enough: Publishers want money from Google,” said Till Kreutzer, a German lawyer who has campaigned against these new copyright proposals. “Many European politicians are open to listening to that type of proposal.”
Posted from Diigo.