Author: Alfonso Papa Malatesta
Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited offers all-you-can-eat e-books for $10 a month
"Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited offers all-you-can-eat e-books for $10 a month"
A.G. Schneiderman Settles With Apple In E-book Price-fixing Case | Eric T. Schneiderman
“Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced a settlement with Apple Inc. arising out of Apple’s participation in a price-fixing conspiracy that a federal court in New York found raised the prices of E-books sold to consumers in New York and throughout the country. The settlement agreement, which must be approved by the court, has the potential to result in payments to consumers of $400 million, and would resolve claims for consumer damages and civil penalties brought by New York and 32 other states and territories. “
Posted from Diigo.
Amazon, a Friendly Giant as Long as It’s Fed –
“Amazon believes that publishers take too much of the money in producing a book and add too little value. In traditional publishing, the highest royalty a writer could get was 15 percent of the book’s price. With e-books, the royalty is 25 percent of net revenue, but Amazon feels that is still not enough. Mr. Zandri gets 35 percent, and self-published writers who use Amazon’s platform get more.”
Posted from Diigo.
Posted from Diigo.
Action Plan on the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights – European Commission
“Rather than penalising the citizen for infringing – often unknowingly – IP rights, the actions set out in this Action Plan pave the way towards a “follow the money approach”, seeking to deprive commercial scale infringers of the revenue flows that draw them into such activities.”
Neelie KROES, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
“Our single market is crying out for copyright reform”
Posted from Diigo.
Israeli teen’s family condemns killing of Palestinian – Yahoo News UK
""There is no difference between Arab blood and Jewish blood. Murder is murder. There is no forgiveness or justification for any murder," said the family of Naftali Frenkel, 16, who was kidnapped and killed in the southern West Bank in June. "If the Arab youth was murdered because of nationalistic motives then this is a horrible and horrendous act," a statement added."
Thank you to the Frenkel Family for their inspired words.
Posted from Diigo.